A Lao girl is fluent in 4 languages after 1 year at Bach Khoa

A Lao girl is fluent in 4 languages after 1 year at Bach Khoa



Before going abroad, Soukphathai Lungsee (casually called Amlex) just expertized in Laos, and Thai languages with some little English and Vietnamese. After several months studying at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Bach khoa), the girl is now speaking 4 languages fluently.

 We have had an interesting chat with Amlex about her life stories recently.

What do you find the most difficult when studying abroad?

Most of my friends who also asked me the similar questions, think that communicating and socializing would be a big difficulty when studying abroad. In fact, I didn’t get troubles as I used my body language whenever I cannot express my ideas in English.

To me, applying technology into everyday life is challenging. Two years ago, I had no ideas of some online tools and applications which help increase efficiency in studying and networking with other people as well. When I started studying at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Bach khoa), I learned to use these online tools from my friends and teachers to do my assignments. Now, I also self-learn other applications on my own as my leisure activity (hahaha).

YoB: 1997

Champasack, Lao

Current status:

Student, Business Administration

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Bach khoa), Vietnam

Honors and awards

• HCMUT – Bach khoa Scholarships, 2015 – now
• ASEAN Quiz 2014 in Lao, First prize
• Champasak Mathematical Test, First Prize
• National Exam 2015, the best student of Champasak (Score: 73/80)

How can you speak fluently in Vietnamese?

I’d known little of Vietnamese before. When I came to Bach Khoa Univeristy, I live in the same dormitory room with two Vietnamese friends, who taught me simple daily conversations in Vietnamese. I also learn from my classmates and teachers when I have free time.

Amlex is doing chemical experiments for her assignment in the Chemical Subject
What about your English?

I have plenty of time involving in the English environment. All the subjects at the university are delivered in English and the assignments are also English. Thus, this has provoked me to self-study in English. Also, there are students from other countries joining my class in their exchanging program, hence English is also a means of communication here.

Amlex participated in the ASEAN Quiz at Regional Level in 2014.
Do you suffer from home sickness?

Yes, of course. It is unavoidable, especially when I get a common sick. I have to take care of myself and no relatives beside me at that time. My friends help me a lot and I really appreciate for that, but surely the care is not the same as that of the family.

Soukphathai looks prettier and more mature after 2 years studying abroad.
Besides studying, do you take part in any activities?

Certainly. After classes, I join some activities of the faculty like musical performance, community project. I also enjoy running a Facebook page and a YouTube channel on my own about sharing my experiences & stories about my living and studying abroad for Lao teenagers, especially the ones who are preparing to enter universities.

Amlex in a play at Unlimited Gala Night of the School of Industrial Management, May 2017.
That’s a very good idea. We also wish that your channels will receive great support from the teens.
A screen shot of Amlex Journey Fanpage
#Amlex Youtube Channel Playlist

