MC of OISP CAMP 2015 have shown up

MC of OISP CAMP 2015 have shown up


3 MCs of OIPS CAMP 2015. From the left : Anh Dung, Thanh Hang, The Duy. – Source: OISP Camp 2015 Organization Commitee

OISP Camp 2015 Organizing Committee has found three most excellent micro controllers position for Siren’s Voice and Choreomania in OISP CAMP 2015.

Accordingly, the three MCs are OISP Camp 2015 selected by Organizing Committee include:

  • Nguyen Anh Dung (Soft Skills class 7) – in addition to language performance was extremely talented beatbox “quality”!
  • Doan Thi Thanh Hang (Soft Skill class 5) – This pretty girl or property and expressive voice.
  • Nguyen The Duy (Soft Skill class 6) – besides conveying attractive way, you also “breakfast” in element good looks.

OISP Camp is one of the annual activities in the framework of the Pre-University semester by the Office of International Education – HCMUT. It targets to all freshmen studying international programs.

Joining OISP Camp, students have the opportunity to interact, make friends; at the same time they have the opportunity to apply the knowledge they have learned soft skills in Pre-University semester in reality as teamwork, planning, project management, time control, leadership …

OISP Camp this year has the theme “Hellenismos”, including 27 sub-camps representing 27 Greek gods. The design of each sub-camp camp gate will be designed in the spirit of the gods they represent.

Currently, OISP Camp 2015 is in the sprint stage of the organization to be ready in two days exploded 14 and 15/11 at Resorts Dambri, Bao Loc, Lam Dong. At this time, Soft Skills classes are also actively rehearse the musical repertoire to perform at capacity paintings camp.


14.11 MORNING 14.11 NIGHT 15.11 MORNING
Arrival at Dambri Tourist Resort Athlete games Big game (declassified letter)
Camp set up competition Siren’s Voice and Choreomania BBQ
Cooking competion Freedom activities at the sub-camps Cleaning the camp site, then return to the campus


