Graduation Celebration for 21 students of Advanced Program specialized in Electrical – Electronic Engineering

Graduation Celebration for 21 students of Advanced Program specialized in Electrical – Electronic Engineering


Prof.Dr.Rolf-Dieter shares about economics, technology, impacts and opportunities of globalization that help Vietnamese students as well as new engineers

The graduation celebration of 21 new engineers of Advanced Program specialized in Electrical – Electronic Engineering hosted by Office for International Study Program took place in 24/4/2015, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.

In order to create cohesion between students studying in OISP, as well as to encourage students who had successfully finished the course in time, OISP Students Association had organized a greeting celebration for K9 and K10 students specialized in Electrical – Electronic Engineering that had finished the course and officially become engineers.

 It is the annual activities organized by OISP Students Association. Besides, there is exciting activity “Greeting new students” for purpose of increasing cohesion between students studying different terms.

Music performance in the graduation celebration
Fellow students come and join the party
Dr.Vu The Dung – Vice Principle (white shirt) shared about abilities that new engineers should develop for their furture careers
Prof.Dr.Rolf-Dieter – Director EMBA-MCI program (left) and MA.Nguyen Thi Anh Phuong – Director of EMBA-MCI program in Vietnam (white shirt)
MA Nguyen Thi Anh Phuong and Prof.Dr.Rolf-Dieter award scholarships to new students for their great academic performance

Rewards are Pre-MBA courses help new engineers improve their economic knowledge to work more effectively

