
Black boxes are commonly installed on air planes, boats, and cars. Nowadays they are installed on motorbikes also. That is a HCMUT’s student group invention

 Before, it was usually only heard airplanes, boats, cars that have black boxes. Now, to the motorcycle also has a black box. This is a product extremely helpful due to the team of engineers HCMUT invention.

The exact name of the black box is “XM 100 – anti-theft and locate device “, by the Group of young engineers coming from research and circuit design training (ICDREC) in HCMUT; manufactured by Saigon Track Comp.

Anti – thief, enhance safety, lessen traffic jam… are features of the XM 100 designed by Pham Xuan Dieu – a young engineer

Graduated from HCMUT in 2008, he has been working for ICDREC for 7 years. Pham Xuan Dieu proudly talks about his “baby”

“In fact, this kind of devices is familiar to Vietnamese, however, the majority of them are imported from China. The idea of a Vietnamese black box has been in our mind for a long time, began in Oct 2012”

“We must be superior”, that’s our objective. He collected some in the markets to see the strong or weak points, examine them for such long time

After 4 months, the first version was out. The feedback was “Too complicated”

Another 6 months, XM 100 was completed. It was slightly bigger than a box of tobacco with a SIM slot inside for data transmission using GPS services

Main functions of  XM 100:

–          Fight bike – stealing using mobile phones

–          Remote shutdown

–          Vehicles search

–          Tracking bikes

The device is energy efficient, last for 3 weeks idly. If the battery is weak, XM 100 would send a message to the user.

The product is the result of IC platforms and technologies, meet the criteria of quality, service and competitive prices in Vietnam market. 

Currently, XM 100 was launched and received fairly well feedback fairly well. 

