HCMUT Students talking about Community Project

HCMUT Students talking about Community Project


NGUYEN NGOC CAM NHU – Student studying Business Administration of Intake 2015.

Community Project is something strange to me when I officially become a student of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, International Study Program.

Honestly, I can’t find myself good at anything, except for studying. Thanks to the Community Project, I feel that I am more confident than I was before when I could make some little money myself. I feel like being a part of the society who have certain responsibilities to our community, not a golden daughter of my parents anymore. The project helps me have multiple objective views on the same issue.

When the Community Project finished, it also opened up many new relationships, and specially formed in me the capability of team working. Teammates are all strangers at the first time. We come from different majors, different living places but we have the same goal. The workflow was not always smooth, but we had overcome this challenge to put the team goal prior to our personal ones and solve the problems.

Fortunately, what I have gained from the project is much more than what I and teammates had done together.

GUYEN ANH DUNG – Student studying Mechanical Electronic Engineering of Intake 2015

I felt extremely excited when I heard about the Community Project for the first time because I had participated several volunteer organizations before. Especially when this was a chance to plan my own project. To me, I don’t put pressure on win-and-lose, or the mark of the Soft-skill class I would get since Community Project is for community.♥

 LE HA AI VAN – Student studying Business Administration of Intake 2015.

“Just choose the one that it’s easy enough to pass the class”. That maybe the popular saying of students studying Soft Skills class for the very first days.

It must be that after directly joining in the activities, they can feel the indeed meaning of the class and this life as well. No matter how the project is going to be, I could recognize their devotion to the “spiritual child” to help people in our community.

Community Project brings us more than just a lesson. We are not only know how to respect and love people surrounding, but we also learn from working in team responsibly, finding solutions for a problem, etc.

I am very eager to join the Presentation Contest Day 2015 to get known more about other community projects of other students as well as learn experience from them.

VO HOANG DUC BAO – Student studying Electrical – Electronic Engineering of Intake 2015.

Community project is a course useful for students of OISP (Office for International Study Programs) in particular and for HCMUT students in general. Through community projects, we can apply the soft skills we learned after 3 months and a half studying Pre – University semester. We also get closer to one another, sharing things to do, allocate workload rationally, etc., which help us increase the awareness of responsibilities for our tasks. We make big efforts to finish the task for the team goal, to make life more meaningful.

NGUYEN NGOC THIEN TRANG – Student studying Environmental Management and Technology of Intake 2015.

Community Projects are not just things taught in text books, they are unique and pragmatic plans designed by students of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology with the aim of improving the life of some people in need indeed. When giving a hand to the project, we have chances to learn more about interesting things, surprising situations that we have never been in, and to realize what we are having is such a treasure.

NGUYEN DUC THAO – Student studying Electrical – Electronic Engineering of Intake 2015

Community Project – the start of the future path – is a chance for students to self-develop, to reach whole new things and to gain experience and knowledge out in the society. A project can be simple but must be valuable. It can be a funding project to help children living in the orphanages or a day of educating communication and behavior for children.

When it comes to Community Project, I see myself maturing more than before. I can judge and give a solution to a problem. Moreover, I have learned a lot from the life out there and make it useful for my future.

However, I also have difficulties in carrying the project out. I couldn’t manage my time; the plans were vague at the first stage, etc.

And to my point of view, Community Project is an activity that’s very helpful for students studying Pre – University semester. It’s also a playground, where students can freely self-develop essential skills so that they can adopt to new studying and living environment.

Community Project is an annual extra activity for students of Ho Chi Minh University of Technology who are studying Pre-University semester. The aim of the activity is to help students apply the knowledge and skills they have learned into practice.

Following the Community Project, Presentation Contest is to choose the excellent projects among the groups of students. Students, once again, have a chance to practice the communication skills they are taught to present their projects idea and how they carried them from the beginning to the end.

To learn more about the Pre-University programs, click here for more details.

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology – Vietnam National University (top university in Vietnam) is opening for undergraduate applicants from 2nd November 2015 (term Fall 2016). Visit Admission for more information.

