HCMUT celebrating Vietnam Teachers’ Day

HCMUT celebrating Vietnam Teachers’ Day


Generations of lecturers gathering at HCMUT celebration of Vietnam Teachers’ Day.

Various events and occurrences has happened at HCMUT to commemorate Vietnam Teachers’ Day, 20 November 2016 and show gratitude to lecturers devoting to education career of the University.

On the morning of 18 November 2016, the 34th Anniversary of Vietnam Teachers’ Day (20 November 1982 – 20 November 2016) occurred at A5 Hall.

At the ceremony, the Board of Directors (BoD) congratulated lecturers who were awarded Labor Order, first class and third class; lecturers who are qualified for titles of Professors, Associate Professors of 2016. The BoD also recognized and awards typical young officers of the year 2016.

Besides, the ceremony was an occasion for the BoD and the retiree meeting and exchanging ideas and comments for developing the University.

The ceremony honorably had participation of retired lecturers.

Simultaneously, the schools, faculties, departments and offices also organized interesting events to give special thanks and gratefulness to lecturers at the University.

A ceremony at the School of Industrial Management

The lecturer gathering at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

The Office for International Study Programs held a meeting for teachers.

Dr. Vu The Dung – Vice Rector of HCMUT, Director of the OISP – is making speeches saying special thanks and gratefulness to lecturers and teaching staff who are devoting to international programs.

Some of the photos taken on the day at the School of Industrial Management:

Sumarry: THI CA
Photos: Student Activities Office, OISP, Lecturer Tran Duy Thanh.

