
Last 21/9, our freshmen started their first semester in HCMC University of Technology – Pre Semester. In this semester, English is mostly concentrated beside which students also have chance to take Soft skills and Art classes. Especially, students have had lots of opportunities for social work, camping, clubs, etc. awaiting.


First organized in 2009 and soon became a traditional event of our international programs, this year, OISP CAMP 2015 took place at Dambri Fall. With an aim to improving students’ social skills as well as their friendship, The camp takes place at November each year and all students of our international programs can join this event.

Class SK11 in front of their camp gate in OISP CAMP 2014

Our international students at Dambri – OISP CAMP 2014

The camp is planned and organized by the freshmen with assistance from their seniors and the Youth Union. This is the chance for students to improve their social skills, program planning, time management skills, etc.


All of our students in Soft skill classes will have to create their own community project including charity projects, environment protecting, increasing social awareness, etc. Lots of projects have been launched and left immense influence on students and the community. Lots of charity meals have been distributed, protecting environment posters given and a number of children at shelters helped, etc.

Students of Intake 2014 presented about their community project


At the end of Pre Semester, students will present their project in the Presentation Contest to summarize their work and result as well as their plan in the long run. The projects will also receive comments from the teachers in this Contest.


Students can choose to join in one or more clubs including English Club, Sport Clubs, Journalism Club, Photography Club, Performing Club (OGC) and lots of other academic clubs such as researching, robocon, etc. The clubs will be run by senior students and the new members will always be welcome and encouraged of joining and contributing.

We always encourage our students to establish their own club with an aim of creating an exchange community, a healthy playground for themselves to learn, exchange, experience and grow. The clubs not only welcome students from our international programs but also students coming from all other programs in HCMC University of Technology.

