
Polytechnic engineering presented the work of the group.

With the aim to optimize the features of the audio devices available today, HCMUT students have baked ideas for the wireless audio device extremely handy.


You want to have a set of wireless headphones that can play music from a distance up to 50 metres which still ensures sound quality? This seems to be the dream of many of you love to listen to music. But now, even the best of the big studios, which cost from several hundred thousand to a million Council still cannot meet. Many products are priced high but having problems of distance transmission, cannot receiver-transmitter at the same time, which is separating out … This made the Polytechnic Alumni act out. Group of engineers created devices for wireless audio high quality multipoint radio frequency 2.4 Hz, tentatively called wireless.

About the mode of transmission, data is encoded as a number (numbers) should at least been tampered with. This ensures that when played out, the sound remains unchanged despite the player’s volume, large or small. It overcomes disadvantages of the old equipment, which is hard to get a signal in the distance. The device is capable of transmitting medium received simultaneously from two to three different broadcast revenues and still ensure the audio quality. Meanwhile outside the market, a device that cannot do this work at the same time. Fix the sound feature is one thing, designed for streamlined products back is another matter. Engineers had to try many different versions, more and more compact. To the final product, its size was compact, can actually “pocketed” and ensure the request. Spent a year researching the author team has tested several different wireless technologies proposed to find the destination audio technology is integrated. A further advantage of this product is very high battery performance, if used, can last from 10 to 12 hours. Do not stop in this product, the author also “reveal” that they are growing more LCD noise reduction, reduced noise when you switch channels, the frequency. Besides, the product also integrates other software. This promises sound quality will be obtained for, meet the needs of all customers in the not so distant future.

Currently, OISP has International Articulation program and English program for Electrical & Electtronics industry.


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