A new ERAMUS+ scholarship has just been granted!

A new ERAMUS+ scholarship has just been granted!


And it goes to no other than Nguyen Ngoc Thien Trang, our student from 2015 intake – ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY major.

Thanks to this scholarship, Trang will be invited to visit the Department of Biology at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi – the top 5 leading universities in Romania and attend an exchange semester of four months (from February to June, 2018).

Better yet, this is not the only scholarship that Trang has achieved this year. At the same time receiving good news from Erasmus+, Thien Trang also won a short-term scholarship to the University of Porto (Portugal), and received a short-term scholarship from ECO-RED – European Renewable Energy Development Module.

 In February 2018, Thien Trang will travel to Romania to start the exchange semester sponsored by ERAMUS+. This will be the very first holiday away from home for Trang, let’s send our wishes to Trang and keep track as her name might appear again on your feeds real soon!

Wanna meet her and ask for some tips? We got you covered:

Tips to win the Erasmus + scholarship, shared by Trang herself!

  • Learn by heart the scholarship requirements of the program or school you would like to participate in to prepare your application.
  • Make sure there’s no grammar or spelling mistakes, it’s crucial.
  • Some universities offer letter templates, but some do not. This should be well noted  to prepare accordingly.

If you are looking for a new learning opportunity or a new adventure, why not Vietnam – one of the fastest growing economies in Asia?

Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Bach khoa) – Top 150 universities in Asia is open for 2018 with  4 rates of scholarship: 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% for international students, you can find out more by clicking here.


