Aero Day 2016 | Model Aircraft Performances

Aero Day 2016 | Model Aircraft Performances


HCMUT students are showing their models in the air. – Clip: BK Event

Although the weather was not so pleasant, the dynamic atmosphere was not affected. Aero Day 2016 attracts not only students of HCMUT but also aero lovers from model airplane clubs of the Southern Vietnam to converge at the occurrence, sharing their hobbies, interests, experiences and performing various kind of model aircrafts, such as helicopters, taildraggers, fighters, 3D, etc.

Aero Day 2016 is an annual event organized by Aerospace Engineering Department, Faculty of Transportation Engineering, HCMUT – VNU.

The models are diverse in colors, shapes, sizes and types.

HCMUT students are showing their models in the air. – Clip: BK Event

 Hovering in the air.

News: THI CA
Photos: Student Activities Office, BK Event

