Art Club Welcomes New Members

Art Club Welcomes New Members


BOMB attending the Vietnam – French festival at the University of Technology. – Photo: BOMB

Right from its inception, members have participated BOMB rewarding activities such as performances at the International Recruitment Day held by the Office for International Programs, Vietnamese-French festival, the works exchanges within and beyond the useful field. To welcome the freshmen, BOMB joined modern dance repertoire in hall A5 in front of nearly 700 students Intake 2015. The strength of the members is about modern dance, musical instruments (guitar, violin, organ, drums …), sang (single, double or group singing) and social activities.

Next, the club also opened intakes BOMB “troops” for Intake 2015 on 4 October. Thereby, many talents are joined to continue to develop and perfect their abilities. After announcing the results of the casting on 8 October, the club held a meeting to welcome the new members.

Club meeting welcoming new members. – Photo: BOMB

“At first those freshmen seemed a little bit of afraid, but over the next meetings everyone sings by their hearts. Making me always feel like a home” – May, club member shared.


Club activities at public home of students (BK House). – Photo: BOMB

With passion, enthusiasm and a wide range of personality from the managing board and all the members, BOMB promises to have more attractive activities in the future.


BOMB Executive Board Members (order from left to right, top to bottom): Truong Hung Phu: BOMB Club Chairman, Ton That Trinh: Theater group leader, Nguyen Ngoc Thao My: dance group leader, Nguyen Anh Nguyen: instrumential group. – Photo: BOMB.

Translator: HOANG HUY

