
Abandoning Medical School to pursue a study field at Bach Khoa-Oil and gas field, which is somewhat difficult to learn completely in English, this is not an easy decision.

Probably,  Bao Tram’s times fund must be more than 24 hours/day to be able to do well at the same time! Let’s meet this lovely girl!

Bui Nguyen thao Tram’s selfie


*Typical student face with outstanding academic achievement in OISP Gala 2017

*A Winner of Petro Talent 2016 competition

*First class Prize in the Scientific Research 2016 – 2017 competition

*Third Prize in Petro-Gathering 2016, “Frac-Fluid Challenge”

*Certificate of outstanding extracurricular activities with dozens of activities (Events participated in the role of organizers, contestants, volunteers)

* Who is Tram? Girl or fairy?

– Tram is just a normal person, nothing special, sometimes I still absent from school when I’m lazy :))), sometimes even lazier than other boys in a class. Tram’s free times are spent on LOL, reading books, especially the genre of love type.

* Heard that in the past, Tram passed Medical School and nearly became a future doctor, but life pushed Tram to Petroleum – English Program at Bach Khoa. Can you tell me Why?

– It was a beautiful day, Tram went to the admissions day at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. At that time, Tram also passed her school (Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University), so the purpose was only for further reference. At that time, Tram’s mother intended for Tram to study abroad so when she saw Bach Khoa having an International, 2+2 and English Program, we pulled together to listen to counseling.

Tram remembers that a beautiful sister consulted enthusiastically :))), so when she came back, she and her mother thought carefully and decided to study Petroleum Engineer – English Program at Bach Khoa!

* Do you feel disadvantaged when studying this field with the other boy’s world?

– This question Tram was asked a lot when I took an IELTS test I was also asked this question. And Tram always said that she did not feel at all disadvantaged, it was only in her country that she did not let her go to drilling places – while the engineer came out with the highest salary; However, girls get more priority and have other opportunities to compensate.

* Study this industry quite difficult and completely in English. How do you feel?

– Tram remembers Tram’s sentence to charge her spirit: “Look in the horror of those things and find you’re own interesting, find interesting, just a few only. They will help you get up. ” Tram thanked her very much for this statement and Tram still applies when she feels tired. Another reason is that Tram has high ambition, so to achieve it, he must try to “grow it” from now on.

* Having participated in many scientific research projects, what is the motivation for Tram to pursue this thorny path?

– Actually, Tram was very lazy in the first year and the second year, because at that time there was no specific goal and I did not realize the “truth”, so I could study lazily and flirt freely. Falling, but Tram never dropped the subject, it was the “law” that Tram set for herself. When you study properly and responsibly, the subject is at your fingertips.

In the third year, Tram was lucky enough to meet the forerunner students who were very good and inspirational, so gradually her learning goals became clearer and more progressive.

Mr. Mai Cao Lan – Chairman of the Department of Drilling – Exploitation, my instructor. At the time of asking the teacher to guide the topic, he asked Tram to think carefully about his future development direction. Having a reputation for scientific research must be done, must be quality, must be my own, not copy – paste, make available according to the movement.

At first, Tram heard it also flinched because he was too hard. Returning home, thinking again, Tram found that if she continued to study like that, she would not do anything to help her not to achieve an ambition. Therefore, Tram decided to devote herself by participating in scientific research.

During the study, there were times when Tram was “brain-dead” and did not produce any results, but he caught fire in time and encouraged Tram a lot. I must say that I was very grateful to Mr. Lan because he has a “Bao Tram” nowadays.

There is one thing Tram wants to share is that, when you “engaged” in scientific research, you must prove yourself worthy of the effort of the instructor. No one is enthusiastic and dedicated to teaching everything to an underperforming people.

Bao Tram (middle) – a girl of scientific research

* What is your favorite topic?

– “Applying Self-Organizing Map technique in determining stone facies” – Tram topic was honored to present to faculty and foreign teachers at the XV Scientific and Technological Conference in October 2017 at my school. The scientific content and time of Tram spend on it is very much. This topic also applies a very hot technique now called Artificial Intelligent. Tram wishes to continue developing this topic further.

* It is known that Tram participated in China International Student Petroleum Forum 2016 (CISPF), Could Tram can tell more about the trip?

– This trip is a stepping stone to promote Tram’s commitment to scientific research. This forum is held in August every year by the China University of Petroleum in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, bringing together many international universities participating such as Russia, Australia, Japan, and Vietnam… Bach Khoa team has a counselor, two upper and lower students and Tram.

In the framework of the forum, there is Frac-Fluid Challenge, which requires schools to design a fracturing solution in accordance with the reservoir conditions. The reservoir parameters will be sent before one week in advance so that I can prepare them in advance (chemicals, tools …). Bach Khoa “held” the Third Prize, was somewhat comforting.

Tram remembers that at that time, Viet Nam was frantically protesting against China placing the Hai Duong 981 drilling rig in Vietnamese range, so Tram worried will be treated badly. However, the hostesses welcomed me very warmly, they were putting the academic spirit first. They were taken to eat everything, went to the market, circled Qingdao. The city here is cool, clean, the roads are wide and the whole car. Drivers always give priority to pedestrians, no traffic lights. The food is a bit oily but edible, there are some dishes that are similar in Vietnam. Boys here are very beautiful and tall.

Bao Tram (in red dress) and Bach Khoa delegation take a photo with Ms. Wu Kehua (middle) – Head of CISPF Foreign Relations Department 2017

* With such a small amount of time, Tram is able to balance learning and scientific research. Do you have any secrets?

– Tram is the most preferred study, must complete the new work and then transfer to research. When “engaged” in the study, staying up late “running deadline” is normal. Tram herself did not like the noisy place – unless my friends invited to go out – so I decided to “plug” at home :))). However, Tram is addicted to games, once having to quit the game because of the health was degraded. But now it is fine!

* What is the most favorite sentence of Tram?

– “You may not be the best but must be the most special person”. Take advantage of your own strengths to make yourself shine, don’t look at what is more of people and find you inferior.

* As the first group of students graduating from Bach Khoa English Program in early 2019, Does Tram have advice to the students who are planning to choose Oil and Gas industry?

– Tram just wanted to say: To do something must also have heart and responsibility. Taking the example of Tram, this industry was not the first choice that Tram liked the most, but Tram still pursued it to the end and reaped many “sweet fruits” from it.

Any industry study, sometimes interesting, sometimes difficult to swallow, but not so that you change an industry, transfer schools for reasons that are not true to your passion. If you are confident after the conversion you will grow better then OK and go ahead. If not, fight on, don’t waste your parents’ time and money because of the so-called “interests, passions” – it’s just because I haven’t tried my best.

Secondly, you must have a clear learning goal. Without goals, there is no motivation to do anything, souls, things are unfinished or stomping on the spot.

Tram also wanted to add that Oil and Gas Engineering is a specific industry, depending on natural resources. Surely there will be a lot of you wonder when the oil and gas are dry, I “cut” always stars. This is not too worrying, oil and gas are not so easy, 75% of the Earth is a sea. With the development of science and technology, more and more modern oil and gas exploitation technologies are being developed, reaching exploration drilling holes to the unknown deep corners of the ocean.

Besides, do not forget to equip yourself with lifelong learning skills to adapt to many different environments and areas of work.


