
This is also an opportunity for new students to develop skills in planning, organization, teamwork, time management, communication … – the skills they have learnt from Softskill classes in Pre- University semester. This year, the duration of the camp is in November 14-15, 2015.

The organizing commitee (OC) of Camp 2015 are students K2015. The process of recruiting members of the organizing committee is very professional this year include job postings, interviewing and selection of the most worthy applicants. Advisory Board composed of junior students (K14, 13 …) is responsible for guiding and counseling for the organizing committee with contributions in student activities.

OC has chosen “Hellenismos – The Greek gods.” as Camp 2015 theme. The organizing committee is god Zeus. The sub-camps will play as the remaining gods.

Camp this year will create a difference when OC choose a “goddess” as the face to communicate to all students. “The Goddess is named Ellenus. Not only own gentle beauty but enough to make people strive enraptured, she is very intelligent and sharp. Her talents have rocked the hearts of the members of OC. “- CAMP 2015 admin fanpage OISP shared.

In the next meeting, organizers will select some locations. Then will come the money and official place to organized Camp 2015.

