
Ho Nhat Minh at Graduation Day 2014 of Griffith University (the forth from the right)

Ho Nhat Minh – 2010 intake of Civil Engineering major, OISP – HCMUT, articulated to Griffith University since 2012 and graduated 2014. 2015, he came back to Vietnam having achieved the full PhD scholarship of Griffith University.

He’s been going between Ca Mau and HCMC for thesis resource and advices from HCMUT lecturers. We were lucky to have an interview with him.

*Got into the Vietnamese Civil Engineering of HCMUT with 21,5, why did you decide to transfer to the International Program?

– I’ve been wanted to study abroad since I was a kid, and the program assists me on my dream.


Minh @ a weekend camping trip on Byron Bay (wearing black glasses, standing thirdly from the left)

*Heard that you’ve  always good grades?

– My academic achievements are good: 9.5/10 in HCMUT and 6.8/7 in Griffith University – but I didn’t attend much social activities, which prevents me from getting other scholarships.

*What obstacles have you met in Griffith?

– Presentation skills. The pre-uni semester has helped me a lot with that. Upon going to Griffith, it wasn’t easy for me with English and the presentation sessions.

* University requires independent studying. From your experience, what is the good method for higher studying?

– Self study it is. I think that it is important to go to class to study, as well as reading and study thoroughly. If there is anything you don’t understand, you may send an email to lecturers, or meet them directly. As for English, we can use reading, listening and watching.

* Can you share about your thesis?

– Actually, I sub a doctoral research student. My own thesis is not yet to be born, but I think I will research on experimentation.

* After finishing your thesis, what is your career orientation?

– I haven’t decided on that yet. May be I’ll work in Australia and return to Vietnam later.

* OISP educational philosophy is recognizing the student capacity, not through admission score but the whole process and academic knowledge. Admission score is merely a measure of adaptability for international training program of the school. Do you agree?

– Yes, what matters is the trying process. OISP – HCMUT concerns on developing the student wholly in language, soft skills and hard skills . I think the quality here is near – perfect.

* Thank you for the conversation. Wishing you a happy new year and luck with your thesis.

