Thursday, June 19, 2014
The Central Hub to create optimal conditions for SV to study, have fun, relax. It is located in the North Terrace (where students of Articulation program between HCMUT and Adelaide are living)
With pillow “super terrorist” this, SV can drop a fluted shade of balmy sunshine hereafter their study stress.
Coming here, the students are willing to share, even with stranger. This is the studying spirit of Adelaide
Is an important event and held in the Hub Central every year in the week before the new semester begins (February-March and July-August). It also helps linking the students and the school
Most major universities have orientation week for freshman, but Adelaide University always makes a difference by diversity and huge content.
Studying is better with a group. There are hundreds of clubs of academy and extracurricular activities operated by the school or students. O’Week
In addition, O’Week holds games and performances in order to entertain
O’Week takes place continuously for three days with plenty of exciting activities.
UNIVERSITY of Adelaide is one of the oldest and most prestigious in Australia. The school was founded in 1874 and
is a member of the Group of Eight (leading universities in Australia). University of Adelaide is currently training of
14,000 students of which more than 10% is international. It is a partner of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Petroleum
and operated by OISP
Training model of program is 2 + 2, consists of two academic years in HCMC 2 years of study at the partner
university (Australia). Academic program in Vietnam is fully in English and approved world-wide OISP commits to
assist students in completing transition to the partner schools, including: procedures for admission and transfer to
partner schools; consultation procedures proving financial and visa; support for registration of residence halls, housing
for students.
Registration period 2014: until 16/8.