TUT International Student Program 2016

TUT International Student Program 2016


The HCMUT student from Hue who has a sterling academic result: GPA of 8.92 (over 10 points grading scale) usually receives incentive scholarships of the HCMUT every semester. He is a studious guy in doing scientific research and entrepreneurship activities.

By achieving a scholarship of TUT International Student Program 2016, Lê Viết Nhật Quang (photo) has opportunities to join educational activities at TUT; discovering laboratories, high-tech centers, museums; emerging in Japanese culture through its language and people; exchanging cultural experiences with global friends, etc.

This year, the exchanging time of TUT International Program 2016 is prolonged up to 10 days (usually 5-7 days in previous years), from 6th to 15th of November 2016, which helps international students have more chances to approach academic and social occurrences in Japan.

TUT International Student Program is an annual scholarship program of the Toyohashi University of Technology for students of universities in the Asia – Pacific region to sharing knowledge, exchanging & understanding cultures, and enhancing their capabilities of studying and multinational working.

This year program has participations of students from universities in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, New Zealand, and Japan.

THI CA – Writer
RIO – Translator

