OISP Students Meeting With Boost Turku

OISP Students Meeting With Boost Turku


Students and representatives from Boost Turku.

Boost Turku is a student-based network for young entrepreneurs and entrepreneur-minded people sharing knowledge among universities in Turku

The OISP Youth Union and OISP Student Ambassadors (OSA), which are under the management of the Office for International Study Programs (OISP), are student clubs that support students in developing essential soft skills and knowledge, as well as the society, through various activities during the year.

During the meeting, students firstly introduced their clubs and activities, then, exchanged experiences in club operation, communication, etc. This very first meeting provoke a relationship between the clubs in the long run.

Thành Trung (standing) – studying Pharmaceutical Engineering Articulation Program, member of OSA – is introducing the communication of the club on Facebook platform.

The meeting is part of the ICTentr Project through which students, especially those studying Information Technology, Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Business Administration, learn the entrepreneurial mindset, turning ideas and innovation into practical solutions, enhance their presentation skills, time management skill, group-working skill, etc.

Song Ngân (standing), studying Computer Engineering Program, member of Management Board of OISP Youth Union – is sharing the activities and communication of the club.

ICTentr Project focuses on supporting Vietnam to achieve their national goals by modernizing higher education systems and enhancing skills in ICT through capacity development. Specifically, the aim of the project is to prepare students studying in the field of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) for entrepreneurial mindsets, soft skills, together with professional attitude before their graduating from the university and entering their career path.

The project is executed under the coordination of the University of Turku (UTU), Finland, the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Ireland, the University of Léon (ULE), Spain, the Hanoi University of Science & Technology (HUST), the University of Da Nang (UD) and the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), Vietnam.

News, PhotosOSA
TranslationTram Le

