BizTech Talk #7: Tomorrow You!

BizTech Talk #7: Tomorrow You!



A Soft-skill Teacher and His Stronger Movement

Graduated from International University – Vietnam National University with a Bachelor Degree of Marketing, Mr. Trần Nguyên Phúc, current Merchandising Assistant Manager, has fitted himself to different positions and tasks. The most recent position he has taken is the Operator for Pre-University Courses (2015 – 2016). Accepting the invitation of BizTech Talk, Mr. Phúc is pleased to join with his sharing about his lessons & application from the experiences.

Mr. Trần Nguyên Phúc, Operator for Pre-University Courses (2015 – 2016) cum Teacher of Soft-skill Classes (2015-2016).

As stated by Mr. Phúc, in order to make the most of ourselves, we should know and understand what we need at the end of the journey. And the first advice is making a plan. The more it is detailed, the more it is better. The important thing is that the plans have to be feasible and must be carried out instead of being frozen in the long-run.

Following Mr. Phúc’s experiences, trying doing new things, enrolling in soft-skill courses, joining in student clubs or even participating in social contests would not only help students recognize their strengths but also improve their weakness. It would also help widen their social network which they never know when it would save their life! His inspiring stories encouraged students to be more open to get understand of themselves better.

After gaining more and more experience, it’s time to put it into practice, even in small tasks, straightaway. It would be fruitless and wasteful when you come to classes every day, boringly taking notes of the things you don’t know what to do with, and looking forward to the finishing days with pass grades.

Ultimately, after all challenges and occurrences, you should realize what are indeed significant to you as well as your mission existing in this world. Follow it until the end!

Talented CEO of Student Life Care: “Everything impossible can become possible!”

Mr. Hà Ngọc Anh, also called Eric Hà, travelled to Australia alone himself with only AUD $500. He found a dream job at Vodafone Group PLC in Australia, and finished a degree at Monash University (Australia). He turned his life into the next page by starting up Student Life Care, providing services for students going abroad, and becoming an admirable CEO to most of the students. He raised the students’ curiosity and interest in the BizTech Talk held in the A5 Hall about his journey.


Mr. Trần Nguyên Phúc & Mr. Hà Ngọc Anh are talking & sharing their milestones with HCMUT students.

“I do not hesitate to try and do any tasks, positions in the company. That my enthusiasm and effort to overcome the challenges has impressed my supervisors, and fellows.” – shared Mr. Ngoc Anh.

To him, no matter what the tasks are, once he starts them, he must finish them. On the way doing new things, he always encourages himself by thinking of who he wants to be. He also believes that “We can step forward, or sometimes backward, but definitely not stand still”.

His advice for students is to show up all of their strong points wisely so that others can choose them to cooperate with, through whichthey could strengthen their advantages. He added that his relationships getting from social networks and joining some students associations is a plus when applying for a job.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                     Photo: Nguyễn Khiêm
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