HCMUT students won the first prize of The Green Challenge 2015

HCMUT students won the first prize of The Green Challenge 2015


Mr. Martin Hayes – Chairman of Bosch ASEAN, awarding merit certificate.


The main mission of team participating is to build confirmation and payment system for electric motorbike users; charging plant using renewable energy and electric motorbike monitor device.

Mass electric motorbikes will be provided for inhabitants by Bosch during trial period, but the exact number hasn’t been definite yet.

Amazing result of the competition is that the top 3 teams are from different universities in different provinces. The first prize belongs to UT Salvador team from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology; the two runners-up are RTG team from Da Nang University of Technology and VGU team from Viet Duc University (Binh Duong province).

Bosch leaders and the champion of The Green Challenge 2015 Competition – UT Salvator (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.

It is called amazing because the projects can be conducted in 3 different regions, through which they can draw experience and various lessons, according to Mr. Võ Quang Huệ, General Director of Bosch Vietnam.

Three teams with three ideas, but all of the ideas will be researched under the instruction of Bosch experts to make them become the most ideal and the most possible projects before conducting them.

The prize for the winner team – UT Salvator (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology) is realistic visit compound with skill training course at Bosch Plant and Bosch Global R&D Center in Renningen, Germany. The prizes for the two runners-up are softskill training course in Ho Chi Minh City.

However, the mentioned succeed is just the very first step of building projects…


The operation stage is indeed the most important stage showing the possibilities of winning projects.

Pursuant to the contest Organizing Board, in the next stage (which is conducted from now and will be expectedly finish by the 2nd quart of 2016), each winning team will receive grants of 900 million VND as well as consultation from Bosch professional advisers to bring the projects into reality. The total expense from Bosch for this contest is up to 4 billion VND (approximately 182.000 USD).

Will the Green Challenge be an annual competition for students over the nation?

Answering this question, Mr. Võ Quang Huệ – General Director of Bosch Vietnam, said that the Green Challenge 2015 was a trial project of Bosch in order to boost the collaboration and co-ordination between entrepreneurs and universities in Vietnam more, especially in researching and developing environmental friendly products. Following that, this project will help prospective engineers enhance their capabilities to solve the problems related to environment, and contribute to raise the living standard for Vietnamese.

“When the projects finish, Bosch will base on the efficiency of the program to decide if they will continue this program or switch to a better alternative” – Mr. Huệ shared.

Bosch leaders and RTG team (Da Nang University of Technology)

Systems built by teams must be friendly to the environment and meet the technical requirements from Bosch. “If the contest shows efficiency, we will widely carry out in others regions in Vietnam so that green technology will go into life”, Mr. Huệ explained.

Also from the Organizing Board, during the trial time in three area (Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong province, Da Nang City), the inhabitants will have chance to wandering around on electric motorbike and experiencing  green-tech achievements created by Vietnamese students – modern and environmental friendly as well.


Nguyễn Nhật Nam, from UT Salvator (Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology), said “Being awarded the prize today, we were all surprised because this was considered as a close competition, which means competitors know nothing about their opponents and cannot evaluate opponents’ strengths.

About Phạm Khánh Trung, member of  RTG team (Da Nang University of Technology), shared that they were eager to operate stage 2 with opportunity to work with Bosch professionals, and this is an great chance for team to learn not only specialized knowledge, but also specialized English vocabularies.


Leaders of Bosch and VUG team (Viet Duc University, Binh Duong province)

Studyin Electrical – Electronics Engineering, UT Salvator team members (from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology) had overcome a lot of difficulties in sociology investigation, estimating cost…

Phạm Ngọc Hải, team leader of RTG (Da Nang University of Technology) disclosed “Because of assorted timetable, which led to benefit conflicts, our team has practiced conflict solving skill during the contest”.

Meanwhile, Võ Hà Trung, team leader of VUG (Viet Duc University, Binh Duong province), frankly said “That we had to think logically, find solutions for the things we have never done, never learnt before is our biggest trouble. The information we had is mainly collected from foreign researches figures (because we don’t have any researches in Vietnam about this), which is another big challenge for us to bring our project into reality”.

However, Hà Trung also showed determination in the second stage of the contest “Any team wants to have the best results. Our team lack experience and that makes our solutions in stage 1 weren’t as good as others. The 2nd stage is a chance for every team to shine bright and VUG will reach the best outcomes!”


Currently, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and some prestigious universities are in collaboration on Undergraduate Programs of Electrical – Electronics field.

Studying the Electrical – Electronic Engineer Program, after completing 02 years at HCMUT, students with financial and academic eligibility may transfer to our oversea partner universities in Australia the later 02 years to complete their study for Bachelor degree. The official bachelor degree is awarded by our partner universities in Australia and USA: The University of Queensland (Australia)University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (USA)Catholic University of America (USA)Rutgers UniversityMacquarie University (Australia).

The advantage of this option is that the student can save about 50% total fees (tuition fee and living expenses) compared to studying for full 4 years in Australia and USA to get a Bachelor Degree awarded by our partner universities.

Further information here.

THI CA (summarizing from Thanh Nien Newspaper, Saigon Times Newspaper) – Photo: Bosch Vietnam

