
 Hong Nhung wearing Vietnamese traditional long dress at an activity of Asian Student Organization


At the first glance, Hong Nhung is small and thin. However, she always shines wherever she goes. That is why her friends call her “a tiny girl standing in the middle, shining as always”

Hong Nhung (standing in the middle) always shines wherever she goes


Aerie Nguyen (her name in English) does not only have natural beauty but also great fortitude. She held many leader positions in Student Council and got a lot of great achievements while studying.

  • President of Asian Student Organization
  • Vice-President of International Student Association
  • Member of Leader Board of Human Resources Management Association in UIS
  • Project Assistant of Institute of International Family Organization
  • Director Assistant of Centre Organization for Woman
  • One of six individual attending in Illinois HR Management Competition and she won the first prize
  • Graduating with major in HR Management from UIS with GPA 3.85 ( scale of 4)
  • Recruitment from 3 companies right after graduating
  • Awarded a full Master scholarship in Business Administration (including living expenses)


Certificate of Merit “ Student Leader” awarded by UIS


As many international students, her first flight to USA was over 30 hours, Hong Nhung felt nervous as she did not know what would happen. However, after coming to University of Illinois Springfield, she was surprised by the warming welcome from student community there.

In fact, Nhung adapted to campus life very soon and she hold the initiative when “confronting” new challenges.

Hong Nhung admitted that she had missed her family terribly in her first few months living far from her family. But she realized that there were many opportunities waiting for her when she kept moving forward.

Nhung told herself that it was time for her to do something unique

Then she participated in many student’s activities, starting from joining Asian Student Organization, International Student Organization. Once accumulating a lot of experience, she confidently candidate herself as President of Asian Student Organization and Vice President of International Student Organizaion.


Hong Nhung’s room at ASO


Nhung excited shared that the experience of being a leader of student council in UIS was brilliant. I learned many useful thing.

Nhung also shared that living in US was totally different from Vietnam and she loved everything there. She wanted all moments living there would be useful.

After graduating from UIS in June 2014, Nhung had her plan working for both US and Vietnam at the same time. Recently, she has visited Vietnam frequently to support educational activities as the representative of UIS. At this time, Nhung is studying for Master Degree in UIS.

