
MCs opening the Presentation Contest Day 2016

Annually, at the end of the pre-university semester, students from all majors excitingly celebrate the Presentation Contest Day. In this special occasion, the contest will award the best community projects, which are the upshots of the whole long period of learning the Soft Skills subject.

Community project is the biggest exercise of the Soft Skill subject, an official and crucial subject of the 1st year university students. This project provides the initiatives for the community in order to pursuit the improvement for the society. The main purposes are not only helping to increase the awareness of students with some problematic topics of the community, but also figuring out the way to work as a team, making friends and working hard for one purpose. The contest provides the chance for all students to show their competitiveness, the knowledge, and training the presentation skills.

The project contains 3 biggest parts, namely: planning, taking action and presentation. The process of selecting the appropriate project to compete at the Presentation Contest Day is considerably tough as many small teams of a SK class have to describe their ideas with all members and the best one will be chosen. It means only the best ideas accepted by everyone can show up at the final contest day.

The council scoring the result of every team

The final result will be determined by a council containing the Vice Rector of HCMUT, Dr. Vu The Dung and numerous experts possessing deep knowledge in this aspect. The final score is based on two main parts, the number of likes of the project video on Youtube and the Presentation score from the judges.

A project encouraging community to use bus as a daily transportation

The best group will receive 1.500.000 VNĐ, while the runner-ups will bring home 1.000.000 VNĐ. The prices are not only just about the money, it’s also about the extremely valuable experiences of the process of making the project. And the feeling of bringing the fresh ideas to the community will make every young student happy about their meaningful affords.

The Presentation Contest Day ended with a lot of memories. During the process, they have shared the moments, the feelings and also the pressure. Both teachers and students will remember this beautiful contest and the experiences will follow them for the rest of their life.

Photos: Vo Xuan Kien

Writer:Nguyen Hoang Huy

