Members of SK18 posing with their teachers on Presentation Contest Day.
“ As the pet owners and also pet lovers, we decided to stand up for those pets by establishing Paw Prints Project. We aim to spread the awareness about the fact that these pets are friends, not food” – the statement of a group of HCMUT students in their community projects really stuns every first time reader.
The project of those young people is trying to get the donation and using the profit to save dogs and cats from dangerous places, where they can be killed for foods.

The 1st step is visiting the Cat and Dog Rescuing Team (SGT) to gain the knowledge about how to save dogs and cats with the experts and learning the way to take care for abused pet in order to bring them back to the normal life at safe places. The team also established a English fan page to raise the awareness about abusing animals in Viet Nam.
The 2nd step of the project, which can be consider the hardest part, is to fundraise an amount of money by selling books and calling for donation. The targeted number is 2.000.000 VNĐ, a big number for selling books in just 3 weeks, but they managed to get closer to the target as the team successfully gained approximately 1.800.000 VNĐ.

After hard-working affords, the team rescued 1 dog and adopted 3 abandoned cats. They vaccinated for them and called for adoption while donation was also being called. Luckily all the cats and dogs were extremely well after a very hard time in the past.
The group also launched the campaign calling to stop using cats and gods for consumption purpose and they managed to save the 2nd dog on 20/11/2016.
The result of the project is very positive for a small project launching by just a couples of people, the team saved 2 dogs and 3 cats and donated 10kgs of dog food for the VAC. But during the process of saving dogs and cats, they observed numerous cases where animals were treated badly without any regulations to stop. The project calls out for fairness and kindness for animals, not only cat and dogs but also other living animals on this planet.