THE REMOTE diagnosis system of Bach Khoa’s lecturer

THE REMOTE diagnosis system of Bach Khoa’s lecturer


D.Sc Nguyen Chi Ngoc has been widely applied his equipment in the major of health in those places such as Gia Dinh Hospital, Thong Nhat Hospital, National Hospital of Odonto-Stomatology, Hematology & Blood Transfusion Hospital, Thu Duc Hospital …

D.Sc Nguyen Chi Ngoc (1979) is currently a lecturer in the Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT-Bach Khoa)

D.Sc Nguyen Chi Ngoc (right) at Techmart Technology Fair 2015, Hanoi. He took a photo with D.Sc Nguyen Quan – a Minister of Science and Technology. – Picture: CHI NGOC

Research To Hear Something With One’s Own Ears And See Something With One’s Own Eyes

Since 2001, D.Sc Ngoc has focused on the development of telecommunication platforms such as IP PBX, or video conferencing (applied for online meetings).

A milestone in his research has happened when he visited family members who were treated at the hospital. At 4 am, patients started from the suburbs to Ho Chi Minh City medical examination. They had to wait from the early in the morning to get the order number and stay in the hospital for a long time to be examined.

“Why not conduct medical diagnosis and treatment remotely, saving time and money for treating patients and doctors,” he recalls.

Embracing an expertise gained during his two-year study at Kyung Hee University in Korea, he successfully built a remote diagnostic system.

With this system, the images of CT, MRI, X-ray, ultrasound … will be stored and transmitted directly from the operating room directly into the diagnostic tool especially online.

This equipment will help doctors to diagnose and treat remotely, saving time and money for treating patients, especially whom live in rural areas.

The system will also help to link doctors to disease diagnosis, to associate doctors in many hospitals, and to flexibly use human resources when the number of specialists is in the low rate.

Doctors at the Gia Dinh Hospital use the remote diagnosis and treatment system provided by D.Sc Ngoc Nghien research). – Picture: CHI NGOC 

The system is researched from 2009. In the period from 2011 to 2013, he started testing products at Hong Duc Hospital. In 2015, after testing, his product has been commercialized and provided to dozens of hospitals nationwide.

Particularly in HCMC, remote diagnosis system has been applied in major hospitals such as Gia Dinh Hospital, Thong Nhat Hospital, Blood and Blood Transfusion Hospital, Thu Duc District Hospital …

“To be as successful today, I really did not go through the path full of roses.” Ngoc shared.

His high-tech medical product was born in the context of medical equipment in Vietnam is being dominated by many imported equipment. More difficult, many hospital leaders are rather cautious with new domestic products, research in our own country.

“The psychology of them is that they still like the foreigners with the support programs quite attractive. There are businesses in the United States that support hospitals to test products for up to three years and then negotiate deals. Domestic products are subject to such huge competition. “- TS. Ngoc confided.

With his own way of thinking, he never gave up and still found the way for his research products.

He went to small hospitals, private hospitals to access and introduce products. The product is tested and evaluated by the hospital’s scientific committee to be put into use.

With the prestige and commitment, his products have been present in many hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City and many other provinces in the South West and the Central. It was the result for more than nine years of his steadfastness with the way he chose.

This is also the result of research from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. He has many difficulties but he always thinks that the task of the scientist is to study, but the results of such research must help the community.

D.Sc Ngoc is doing a good job at teaching, researching and commercializing research from universities) – Figure: THE AN

D.Sc Ngoc said that scientists do not need to wait for a policy or support program from the state, but need to actively follow their passion for research and believe that it will succeed.

He also said that scientists need to focus on solving domestic problems in science and then expand into foreign markets in different ways. “Strong in the domestic water then I have enough confidence in the sea.” – D.Sc Ngoc expressed.


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