A White Night Repairing Motor Bikes

A White Night Repairing Motor Bikes


Hundreds of students’ motorbikes are in severe damage after the downpour rain on 26 Sep 2016. Most of the students couldn’t afford for repairing their motorbikes. Fortunately, there appeared two man of the night from HCMUT.


Although the Management Unit of VNU-HCM Dormitory (where the basement was heavily flooded, making students motorbikes broken-down) supported each student 60,000 VND to repair the motorbikes, many students were still in stuck as the repair costs are around 3 to 5 million VND.

Student Nguyen Viet Cuong, from the University of Economics and Laws, Ho Chi Minh City, stated that: “The common cost for fixing a motorbike is ranging from 3 to 5 million VND. For some lines of motorbikes like Exciter, Nouvo or Air Blade, it would be up to 10 million VND. Usually allowance from parents is around 2 – 3 million VND a month, maximum could be 5 million for most of us here.”

In fact, to most students who are far from their families, the motorbikes worth their fortune. It’s hard and hurt for them to see their means of transport become inoperative, and turn into wastage but they couldn’t help.

All of the parking places in the basements were all flooded at half-wheel level after the downpour on 26 September. Photo: Ngoc Hien.

At that stressing time, there’s words of mouth about two students of HCMUT could save a lot of motorbikes which was widely spread among the students and attracted many people. They are Nguyen Cong Nhat Minh, in the Faculty of Civil Engineering, and Van Minh Hiep, in the Faculty of Environment & Resources. Both are in there second year studying at HCMUT.


Nhat Minh (red T-shirt) and Minh Hiep (blue T-shirt) are repairing motorbikes for students.
Minh Hiep expressed that he had never been through any training or classes of fixing motorbikes, but with his interest in learning about motorbike types, he had successfully fixed his own motorbikes several times. He also happily revealed that his helping on repairing these motorbikes for other students was not a prepared plan or idea. When seeing many students left their motorbikes hopelessly because of lack of money, we couldn’t stand it. So, we checked the motorbikes and repaired if it was possible”.

According to Nhat Minh, on the first day repairing at A20 Building Front (Dormitory A, VNU – HCM), the two guys stayed up all night to work on the motorbikes. The security guards had come and reminded about the dorm regulation. However, after understanding what they were doing, the guard also helped them around.

For some motorbikes that were severely damaged and needed replacing some accessories, Hiep and Nhat would ask for the price from the store first, then inform the students so that they could go and buy themselves. Nhat Minh also added that “You just need to buy the accessories, we don’t need payment for repairing the motorbike. You can buy us some food or some drink instead.”

To the time being, they have recovered 3 heavily broke-down motorbikes and dozens of ones that needed simple fixes.

“When I had my motorbikes repaired by a repairing shop, they told me it would cost 2 million VND. I didn’t have enough money at that time so I took it back and waiting until I could save up enough money for it. Luckily, Hiep and Minh helped me fix it. I really much appreciated and would want to pay them for helping but they denied and said that I could buy them a lunch. That was all they needed.” – said Ho Minh Toan, students of University of Economics & Laws


Minh Hiep (left) & Nhat Minh (right) – Photo: Facebook

“It’s a should-to-do thing. The tasks are not that hard” – Minh Hiep.

“As a student, I also understand that not anyone can have such an amount of money to have his motorbike fixed.” – Nhat Minh


Ngo Nu Ngoc Tien, student of University of Social Sciences & Humanities, shared that: “I am very much admired the two guys, Minh and Hiep. Regardless of that they self-learned to fix and did fix the motorbikes effectively, it were theirs enthusiasm and kindness that made my heart melted.”

When mentioning Nhat Minh and Minh Hiep, most of their friends think of them as the ones who are sociable, and studious. Minh Hiep is also a key member of HCMUT Music Club (BKMC – Bach Khoa Music Club), and Nhat Minh is the leader in founding Skateboarding Club for students.


Minh Hiep and Nhat Minh spent a white night with dozens of motorbikes.

Minh Hiep and Nhat Minh seemed to be quite shy when they knew that they were popular among the students, especially the female ones.

They also added that they would continue to help repair the motorbikes until there would be no one ask them for help.


There were also some other students after being helped, they stayed back with Minh and Nhat to help repair other motorbikes.


On the night of 29 September, Mr. Tran Trung Nghia, Vice Chief of the Student Activities Office, Secretary of HCMUT Youth Union, was on behalf of the HCMUT appraised and awarded Van Minh Hiep and Nguyen Cong Minh Nhat for their repairing motorbikes free at A20 Building Front of Dormitory A, Dormitory of VNU – HCM.

Mr. Tran Trung Nghia stated that their actions were just in time, stemming from their sympathy, which helped save a lot of students.


Mr. Tran Trung Nghia (left) giving award to Minh Hiep (right) on behalf of HCMUT. – Photo: Ky Hoa.

Nhat Minh always thinks his action is very simple & normal that everyone can do. – Photo: Ky Hoa.


To continue support the students whose motorbikes were damaged caused of the flooded basements of VNU – HCM Dormitory, Faculty of Transportation Engineering of HCMUT, has cooperated with Bien Viet Company to help repairing the 850 motorbikes for free.

• Period: from 30 September
• Venue: In front of Sporting Event Hall, Campus 2 of HCMUT.

Writers: BAO TRAN, KY HOA (Thanh Nien Online News)

Translate & Edit: NGOC TRAM

