Computer Science & Engineering Field Trip: VNG & CSC

Computer Science & Engineering Field Trip: VNG & CSC


CSC is our first visiting point in the field trip.

▶ Civil Engineering Field Trip: Visiting Construction Sites – Grand Riverside & The Ascent

▶ Petroleum Engineering Field Trip: PVD Training and Halliburton


CSC is one of the leading corporation in the world delivering business solutions and technology transferring, including Cloud Computing, Big Data, Security, Business Counselling and Solutions, etc. Partners of CSC are also renowned globally such as IBM, Prudential. HCMUT alumni has been working for CSC as different roles, e.g. managers, designers, inspectors, coder.

Mr. Quân from CSC is introducing about CSC profile.

HCMUT students are attending the introduction meeting.

Mr. Hải & Mr. Hiếu, HCMUT alumni, are sharing their experiences to their juniors.

On the same day, we continued to visit VNG Headquarter, one of the most influential corporations in Vietnam.

VNG Corporation has a lot of public technological products welcomed by the young, e.g. Zing Mp3 (Music sharing online), Zing TV (Video Watching Online), Zalo (social network), 123pay (e-commerce).

Here at VNG, we had a chance to observe the working processes and understanding deeper the specific tasks of specialized divisions, namely Game Designer, 2D/3D Artist, Product Operation, etc.

A “check-out” picture at VNG conference room.

Field Trips are periodical activities for freshmen hosted by Office for International Study Programs of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. Students participating will be exposed to real practices in certain companies that students may encounter when pursuing their career after graduating. Students of any programs interested in the field trips are welcome to join.
                                                                                                                                     News, Photos: NGUYỄN ĐÌNH ANH KHOA, VŨ MINH MẪN
                                                                                                                 Students of Intake 2015, Computer Engineering & Computer Science
                                                                                                                                                                                              Translation & Edition: RIO

