
Executives and staffs posing with high-jumping posture.

Annually at the last month of the year, Office for International Study Program organizes a marathon contest participated by more than hundreds of HCMUT staffs and executives. This is a very interesting event which helps raising the awareness of people about heath and the importance of playing sports.

The contest started when the early birds began to sing. The atmosphere is still humid and the chilling cool of December can’t tame the excitements burning inside every marathoner. The contest was joined with many teachers, faculty staffs and staffs from inside the school with various age categories: 51 and up, 46 – 50, 41 – 45, 31 – 40, and lower than 30.

Team-working attitude showing up during the contest

Interestingly, Dr. Vu The Dung, vice rector of HCMUT who officially joined U50 category but he decided to run with all other groups. Consequently, the vice rector ran consecutively 9 rounds of football yard, three times as a normal U30 contestant, an incredible sampling of both stamina and athleticism.

Dr. Vu The Dung participating in the running contest

The contest was successfully held with a lot of interesting activities, all of the runners will remember this at an amazing challenge and they obviously hunger for more to come in the future. 

Catching the goal seems to be the best part

Photos: Nhut Huynh, Soukpathai

Writer: Nguyen Hoang Huy

