Mr. Vo Tan Thong – A shining example of human of HCMUT

Mr. Vo Tan Thong – A shining example of human of HCMUT


Mr.Vo Tan Thong (right) is being awarded Labor Medal Class II by Asc.Prof. Vu Dinh Thanh – Principal of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City
It is about 30 kilometres far from home to work but Mr. Vo Tan Thong – Head of Political Affairs Department, HCMC University of Technology – never goes to work late.
In fact, he is always at the workplace very early even when everyone is still asleep.
At 4:15 am everyday, Whether it’s hailrain or in sunshine, Mr.Thong still steadily drives to work from Cu Chi and arrives at HCMUT at about 5:30 am.
According to him, students usually ask for support in academic or extra activities before or after school time. Therefore, going to work early is a chance for him to talk and listen to students.
Working guideline of Mr.Thong is  “Make hay while the sun shines”
According to Mr. Thong, not only him but also other employees in Political Affairs Department go to work early and return late. He explained that there were some work that only need 5 minutes to finish but you would need 30 minutes for it the day after. Therefore, he always tells himself as well as encourages his colleagues try to finish work as soon as possible rather than work till end of working time. To work efficiently, Mr.Thong always follows the criteria “”make hay while the sun shines”.
Mr. Thong has kept that working habit since he left the army, worked in Department of Electrical – Electronic Engineering then moved to Political Affairs Department.
In addiction, before undertaking this job (2002). Mr. Thong was secretary of University Union, so he had long a lot of experience working with young students. In recent20 years, along with volunteer’s footprint, Mr. Thong has never absent in any Green Summer yet.
In many years working and sticking with students, for Mr.Thong, there is nothing happier than receiving truly feelings from them.
Recently, an alumni has come back to HCMUT to return Mr.Thong 400.000VND that he had borrowed when he had not received money from his family before. That alumni was very grateful and thanked Mr.Thong a lot.
In many case that students do not have enough money to pay study fees, Mr.Thong has used his own money to help them. He shared that treating honesly to other people with all his heart was what he would keep learning. In Political Affairs Department, some of his colleagues bring homemade food or buy it from foodstore…but everyone always eat together intimately as a family. He told that nobody would treat you well as your family. Therefore, in working environment, colleagues should treat to others as a family so that they might improve relationship and problems could be solved easily.
In Political Affair Department where Mr.Thong is working, employees usually change positions to know about other tasks. Thus, everyone knows about the difficulty, the ease of other positions so they can help each other in time. Sometimes, there is some arguments, but after that, everyone becomes closer.
In 2003, MA.Vo Tan Thong Head of Political Affairs Department, HCMC University of Technology was awarded Labor Medal Class II by Mr.President. Three years later, he was awarded Labor Medal Class III. Moreover, he had received many certificates, prizes from Ministry of Education for his contributions in education.

