
Nowadays, Information Technology (IT) has become one of the most crucial part of the modern civilization. More and more young people are joining in this industry to make use of the technological advances and get well-paid.

Which profession to go with in the enormous IT industry?

The IT industry is no longer a new one. But it is undoubtedly that the IT advances are emerging every single day and has significantly changed our lifestyle.

Long ago, the Microsoft products not only made computers become so popular but also helped the company to become the King in the IT empire. As the Internet era came, Google turned up as the most used search engine. Facebook followed up as it made the revolution to our social life and Apple changed the definition of mobile phone.

Many people might think that such revolutionary big steps can only be possible in developed countries and out of their reach. Keeping that idea in mind, in fact, is the biggest obstacle preventing you from joining in one of the most active and dynamic industries.

Below is the list of the most concerned professions of this industry

No. Position Description Requirements
1 Programmer Writers of application programs, softwares for the control system of mechanical machines, data processing… such as welding machines, lathes, camera control, text/picture/audio processing softwares …

– Technical skills: Active X, C#, Visual Basic, .Net, Java,…

– Analytic problem solving

– Communication and teamwork

– Independent working ability

2 Web Designer The work of a professional web designer is to make the website as friendly, easy to use, eye-catching as possible with buttons, banners, links color, saturation, light of text…

– Specialized in designing programs

– Artistic sense

– Excellent in graphic design programs: Photoshop, Corel Draw, Flash, Dreamwave,…

– Advanced in web design

3 Web Developer Gather business requirements; develop specifications for software and web applications; help professionals manage technical web pages.

– Deep understanding about the Internet, web application programs

– Knowing E-Commerce strategies

– Professional skills in .Net, C#, Java…

4 Tester Specialists in testing to detect error of applications, softwares written by programmers. This is a very important position in developing a new software because testers will help complete the it.

– Well-trained at the University

– Deep understanding technological skills as much as a programmer

– Less pressure, suitable for female engineer.

5 Data Development Manager Design the interface of application programs such as transactions between client / server in the network and system components. You need to provide specifications for software development teams, design, coding test.

– Solid knowledge base and technical skills

– Planning, conducting and communication skills

– Knowledge of DB2, data products (Oracle, XML, C+++)… will impress the recruiters.

6 Project Manager Manage the entire coordination of IT software development projects from the planning to the implementation process. The work also requires setting project objectives, priority issues, budgets, deadlines, planning and negotiations with the stakeholder project. The minimum requirement is you must have a Bachelor’s degree in IT field or in Business Management, basic knowledge about programming. Besides, you also need to have experience in project management, teamwork communication…
7 Network Administrator The work of Network Administrator is to design, operate and monitor the network safety and security systems; to understand the techniques and methods preventing attacks of hackers. Design and maintain a firewall or identify and fix vulnerabilities in the network system, implementing and monitoring attacks detect system… A professional network security often plan for strong safety to prevent, detect intrusions. This requires quick thinking and high creativity.
8 Game Developer (GD) Game Developing is not only about making 2D, 3D graphics but also about project management, concept development, gameplay design, error detecting… Thus, this is a very creativity-requiring job, not as plain as rumors about technological and engineering jobs. Professional designing GDs must have great artistic sense because they are the one deciding whether the image of the game is attractive and interesting. In addition, logical thinking is also essential for GDs that are specialized in programming.
9 Computer Engineer Research and design functional components of a computer; join in the production project of computer equipment for world’s major corporations such as Intel, IBM, Samsung, Nidec … Solid knowledge base and practical experience in the field of computer engineering, especially in integrated circuits design (ICD).
10 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) SEO is the process of making web content easier for search engines to find and display. Website optimization can be considered as a set of methods for improving the ranking of a website among results of a search engines. It can be regarded as a sub-field of marketing via search engine. Great knowledge of programming, designing and administration


The IT industry has very high growth rate. Although there are plenty of documents and researches with very detailed instructions, most of them are written in English but Vietnamese.

Therefore, students of this major must spend a lot of hard work in specializing their English skills. This will make great impact on the development of their career pathway, no matter in which position they are.

HCMC University of Technology is currently conducting English Program for Bachelor of Computer Science (4 years at HCMUT) and Articulation Programs (2 first years at HCMUT, 2 final years at the University of Queensland) for Bachelor degrees in Software Engineering and Information Technology.  

The program is taught entirely in English and recognized for its quality by HCMC National University and our partner universities in USA, Australia, and Japan.

The program is designed and structured in view of learner-centered, helping students maximize their creativity, professionalism, English fluency and flexible adaptability to the international working environment.

Graduates will be certified as Bachelor Degree in Software Engineering by the University of Queensland (Australia), or Bachelor Degree in Computer Science Engineering – English Program by HCMC University of Technology.

Source: Dân Trí (translated)
Photo: Internet

