Climate change is one of the major topics to be concerned at the moment. Life on Earth is being threatened by the changing of the climate. Humans have had no more than a decade to reverse the impact which causes damage to the Nature.
There are many fields which could prove to be beneficial for stabilizing climate change, where Chemical Engineering is considered to be the crucial field. For decades, Chemical Engineers have been working to overcome climate change. Here are some ways that Chemical Engineers can save the world from Global climate change.
1. Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is an important factor in the race of saving the world from climate change. Right now, energy efficiency hasn’t proved to be effective because of certain reasons but Chemical Engineers can make it possible by taking it as their first priority.

Energy Efficiency
2. Renewable
High amount of Carbon has the most impact on climate change. Instead of using fossil fuels, with high carbon emissions, for energy requirements, solar and wind energy as a renewable source of energy can be used for the betterment of nature. Chemical Engineers are working effectively to produce cost efficient renewable energy technologies, and enhance productivity to make the technology more common.

Renewable Energy
3. Carbon capture & Storage
If we keep using fossil fuels for producing electricity, we need to decarbonize the production process. For this the carbon capture & storage (CCS) plays an important role as a technological solution. Chemical Engineers today are capable of using this technology. CCS produces climate change benefits as a result of reduced CO2 emissions. These benefits significantly reduce climate-related damage to human health.
4. Nuclear
Nuclear energy is becoming very popular in this era for production of electricity. It is already playing an important role in decarbonizing the world’s energy sector. There is no carbon emission during the energy production from Nuclear, which makes it safe and clean energy source. Chemical Engineers are crucial for the production of Nuclear energy, they design Nuclear reactors and also ensure the standards of safety, efficiency and environmental protection are met.
5. Food Energy
Agriculture, Forestry and Land use are one of the biggest greenhouse gas emitters, which counts from 18-20% of GHG emissions. Food system as a whole, such as food processing, packaging, refrigeration and transport accounts for almost one-quarter of GHG emissions, because of the population growth and dietary preferences vary. Chemical Engineers have the potential to enhance the way we produce food by making it more efficient. For instance, by making fertilizers with low-energy and reusing food waste are the roles of chemical engineers for the production of sustainable energy.
6. Food-water-energy-Nexus
The global pressure of water energy and food is increasing drastically with the population growth. The relation among water, food and energy means that these three sectors should be considered as related units and not separate from each other. They are inextricably linked, with actions in one affecting one or both of the others. Chemical Engineers must think of this in delivering sustainable solutions while dealing with any of the three. Chemical Engineers play a pivotal role in delivering sustainable solutions at the water-energy-food nexus.
7. Systems-Thinking
Making use of chemical engineering can yield efficient systems that work towards sustainability. Technical solutions are needed that only Chemical Engineers can provide. The idea and discussion behind global warming/climatic changes solutions is in place, but it needs a systems-thinking approach of Chemical Engineers to apply the technical solutions.

There are many more ways that Chemical Engineers are working to combat climate change. In such a short span of history, Chemical Engineers have made so many crucial contributions to society, that it is difficult to visualize modern life without the large-scale production of antibiotics and other drugs, fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, renewable energy, etc.
At HCMUT Chemical Engineering, we see potential in everything. We flourish in that pivotal space where engineering, physics, chemistry and mathematics intersect. And, HCMUT – Bach Khoa is one of the top universities in Vietnam for Chemical Engineering – so we provide the perfect place to develop your potential.