Anh bạn SV K2015 chương trình Tiên tiến ngành Kỹ thuật Điện – Điện tử nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của việc học chuyên môn bằng tiếng Anh trong bài phát biểu tốt nghiệp hôm 10/7/2020.

Là một trong những SV có thành tích học tập và rèn luyện dẫn đầu đợt tốt nghiệp tháng 7/2020 – loại Giỏi với GPA 8,82, IELTS 7.0 – Huỳnh Phú Hữu đã vinh dự được mời thay mặt sinh viên tốt nghiệp đợt này phát biểu tại Lễ Tốt nghiệp Trường ĐH Bách khoa. Anh chàng này cũng đạt học bổng thạc sĩ bán phần tại Sheffield Hallam University, sẽ lên đường sang Anh du học vào tháng Tám tới.
Hữu nói em rất nhớ quãng thời gian học Pre-University, “đã giúp em từ một cậu học trò chưa giỏi tiếng Anh nay đã tự tin thể hiện mình với bạn bè quốc tế”. Hữu nhấn mạnh tính quốc tế trong chương trình và môi trường học tại OISP, cũng như tầm quan trọng của việc học chuyên môn bằng tiếng Anh trong bài phát biểu của mình.
Dưới đây là toàn văn diễn từ, được trình bày bằng tiếng Anh.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, representatives, families and friends,
My name is Huynh Phu Huu. It is my honor to be here today, such an exciting day.
And I want to give my congratulations to everyone for being here, including myself. Despite the coronavirus pandemic spreading across the world, we do still manage to graduate, so let’s give ourselves a big round of applause.
Firstly, I would like to express all my thanks to my loving parents for raising me and being with me when I needed them most. Secondly, I want to thank the university and everyone working here for sparing no effort to give us the best lectures possible. And lastly, I want to thank all of you studying with me through the 4 years of my university life.
4 years ago, when selecting universities, I knew I wanted to be an engineer in this technological era and my choice was Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, Office for International Study Programs. It was a hard choice because at that time, my English skill was terrible. However, I believed it was a necessary decision. Because we live in a connected, global economy, with many companies using English as their main language, it’s no surprise, that many more doors will open for those who can speak and understand English than for those who cannot. Thus, I took all of my courage to start my university journey in an international environment.
A lot of things have happened. I took the Pre-University semester to improve my English skill. There were Soft Skills classes, which made me more sociable and helped me gain important skill sets. It was my first time to do a Community Project and I loved it. Then we had an OISP Camp, our best moments that were unforgettable before taking the main courses.
There were great times, there were hard times, but this place holds some of our most precious memories.
And despite all the challenges the university had us facing, we strived onward to reach graduation on this day.
This day not only marks the end of our journey throughout our university life, but it also marks the beginning of a new journey. From this day, we will have a chance to use what we learned in this campus and prove ourselves to the world. Remember that the opportunity to achieve greatness and success is always within our grasp if we work hard enough.
With all that being said, I just want to remind everyone one last time that this day is not the end, it is another beginning of a new journey, a new chapter in our lives.
Thank you!
Student of Intake 2015, Advanced Program, Electrical – Electronic Engineering